Saturday, February 18, 2012

One of the first few lithographs I did.

Image I did in first year that got physically wrecked. I like the way it looks as an image with the paper all stained and ripped, ha.

Work I did on a collaborative college project with my group 'The A. G. G. E. R. S'

We made a video where we blindfolded people and brought them somewhere unknown in the college. Then we put cardboard boxes over their heads that had only a hole behind their head; giving them compact mirrors so they could see somewhat. It was an exercise in changing the way people viewed without actually taking away their vision, to see if we could change their experience of the room. The project was only 2 weeks and we all had ideas we attempted to work on together, I think if we had longer I might have done it in a more sophisticated way. I just thought these stills looked nice.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

college blog...there arent many students up there but there should be more as time goes on

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking forward very much to going back to college. Have some ideas for what I'd like to do. Was in RUA red for my first mentor day yesterday. It was really peaceful, basically just did my own work and wasn't disturbed much. Did try to get involved but there was only one lady there and she seemed to want to work alone for a while. Hoping I can keep going to it, have to see how college is.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bookmaking project college

Some things I did as part of the bookmaking project in college. This is teabags sown together, with the tea taken out and then blended with lascaux transparency medium. Then I screenprinted it onto the teabags. I began unsucessfully on the nice side of the sewn teabags, so then I had to do it on the badly sewn side. I could have sown more teabags but I was too lazy. Plus I always plan to do too much in college. There is still actually a little bit of tea in one of the teabags above, I had to remove it so they were flat for the nylon screen to print on. That was why I made the unsucessful print on the nicely sewn side initially, I believed in my naivety (I'm actually not a very professional printmaker) that I could print on full teabags that weren't very two dimensional. I had it literally rolled up in a shoebox under some roof slates I also had unsuccessfully tried to print on, (always over ambitious), I gave it to my mam cause I didn't really care and she went and framed it. I asked her could I take it out of the frame and put in a neater one. She said don't you dare, it's great, it all reminds me of you, even the crap sewing.

With these I was trying to recreate the look of a derelict Irish house from the 1950's with modern materials, in order to convey a very convoluted concept that made sense at the time. I burnt CD's, used corrugated cardboard, brown paper, paint, layers of dried paint, and various other things including but not limited to the kitchen sink. Not how I pictured it but whatever. I did try.